Indian villagers look at solar panels during the inauguration of a solar farm in the village of Gunthawada, Banaskantha district, some 175kms. from Ahmedabad,Gujarat. Chief Minister of the western Indian state of Gujarat Narendra Modi inaugrated the 30MW solar farm - said to be Asia's largest - which has been set up by Moser Baer Clean Energy.
The foundation stone of the 500MW Gujarat Solar Park has been planted and it is being developed by Gujarat Power Corporation at a cost of Rs.1,247-crore on 1,000-acre government wasteland.
Many of these 80 developers will set up their generation facilities ranging from 1-45 MW units at Gujarat Solar Park. In first phase,developers will commission 500 MW of generation capacity at the park. The Centre’s National Solar Mission aims to install 1,000 MWof grid solarpower by 2013, and 20,000 MW by 2022.